emdash™ supports the scheduling of certain workflows. The current list is as follows:
- Environment Refresh
- Backup all databases
- Run a user defined workflow (this is a licensed feature)
- Run a Pester test script
Scheduling is a licensed feature within emdash™. If the feature is enabled then the Set schedule button will be visible on each of the pages used to submit the above four types of workflow job.
For example - in environment refresh:
The Set schedule button then displays the Schedule dialog which allows the user to enter the details of the job schedule.
emdash™ supports the following options which are accessed by selecting the appropriate radio button in the list:
- Schedule once - schedule the job once on a given date at a specific time
- Schedule daily - schedule the job every day at a specific time
- Schedule weekly - schedule the job on one or more days of the week at a specific time
- Schedule at interval - schedule the job at a minute interval e.g. every 5 minutes.
- Schedule monthly - schedule the job on specific days of the month at a specific time
Once the schedule has been set the job can be submitted in the usual way. This will create a scheduled job within emdash™.
emdash™ job history
All scheduled jobs run within the standard emdash™ job framework and create entries in the emdash™ job log which provides a full audit trail and logging.
Time zones
emdash™ supports the following time zones when entering times in s schedule. Other time zones can be added on request.
- GMT Standard Time (UK)
- Eastern Standard Time (US)
- UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
The job will execute based on the time in this timezone rather than local server time.