We have the ability to upgrade the code version of an Application for an Environment. This is available for a number of applications defined in emdash, not just Endur.
Select Code Upgrade from the main menu to display the form below
Now select the Environment and Application you wish to upgrade from the drop down lists. The Application to Upgrade selection is dynamic, so the applications will filter based on your Environment selection and the Environment application allocation.
Finally select the Target Code Version you wish to upgrade to, and Click Upgrade Code
You will be asked to confirm your selection before the Code Upgrade request is submitted to the workflow.
The Code Upgrade workflow process will now deploy the defined binaries, config files, database scripts, etc for the application to the Environment application servers.
The duration time of the Code Upgrade workflow process is determined by the application. Some applications can process deployments in parallel processes reducing completion times, and others may require services to be started and stopped during the process flow.