
Create Endur Groups

Access to each Endur environment is controlled by an AD Group. This AD Group is used by Citrix or RDWeb to determine who should be presented with which environments in their profiles.

As such, emdash will add or remove users from the Endur Group when adding/removing them from the environment in the emdash Environment Details screen by Owners, Delegates or Administrators.

As with the other Reference Data items, this is just reference data. However, in the case of Groups, if a group of this name cannot be found in AD when it is first allocated to an environment, emdash will create it.

Our recommendation, however is to create the AD Group in the relevant OU within Active Directory at this point in time to make sure you are happy with it. NOTE - Auto-creation of the group will default to the ‘Endur Project – Security Groups – Development’ OU in AD for non-production environments.

Group Naming Standard: The naming standard we have adopted for Endur groups is EndurDev<EnvName>Access. The important items in the Name are ‘Endur’, the Environment Name (e.g. CP01, and ‘Access’. We recommend you stick to this standard.

Once you have created the object in AD we can create the Group reference data in emdash by navigating through Reference Data Mgr, Groups, Add Group to the Create Group page. Here you can enter the following items:

  • Name – The name of the group you created in AD above. This needs to match exactly.
  • Domain – The name of the internal network domain
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