Here are the steps to capture an image of a VM in the Resource Manager model in Azure:
1. Log into the server you have built and configured with the Endur/Findur MSIs etc. See here for details.
2. Run sysprep (if you want a sysprepped image)
- Cd %windir%\system32\sysprep
- Sysprep.exe
3. Log into Azure using Azure Powershell with
- Login-AzureRmAccount
- Note: This needs to be be Azure Powershell v1.0 or above
4. The status of the server should be 'stopped' in the Azure portal - check this.
5. Deallocate the VM using powershell
- Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName <Resource Group Name that the VM is in> -Name <Server Name>
- (Note the resource group name is the same as the one created when we created the server)
6. Check that the server is in a deallocated state
7. Set the status of the VM to Generalized - needed as Azure cannot understand the sysprep fully
- Set-AzureRmVm -ResourceGroupName <Resource Group Name> -Name <Server Name> -Generalized
8. Create new Storage Account and Container if needed. For example
9. Create a new Container within the storage account:
10. Capture the image to a destination storage container (e.g. in a folder called 'serverimages')
- Command Format:
Save-AzureRmVMImage -ResourceGroupName YourResourceGroup -VMName YourWindowsVM -DestinationContainerName <e.g. serverimages> -VHDNamePrefix YourTemplatePrefix -Path Yourlocalfilepath\Filename.json
- Storage Container URL:
This will match the path to the storage container set above. For example:
- Powershell command to run:
Save-AzureRmVMImage -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -VMName <Server Name> -DestinationContainerName <StorageContainerName - e.g. serverimages> -VHDNamePrefix <Date>_IMAGE_<serverName> -path C:\Azure\<Date>_<ServerName>.json
11. To see what has been created you need to download the Azure Storage Explorer tool from
- The images are found under the storage account of the original server
- You can also look at the URL / URI information from the JSON file that we specified as the output path in the above command