
Environment Wide Settings

To support the deployment process emdash allows the ability for EM Teams to define existing or new parameters in emdash to modify application configuration files through parameter template replacement. This is provided by the way of Environment Wide Settings (EWS) and Environment Wide Setting Options (EWSO).


Below is an example of a default environment wide setting being replaced in the Endur GUI Configuration file.

Firstly an Environment Wide Settings Option is required for the emdash environment Template setting. As seen below this example uses TEMPLATE_AB_SCRENG_MAX_IDLE_SIZE with a default value of 512000.

A new Environment Wide Settings Option can be added using the Add Env Wide Settings Option button, or an existing setting can be updated using the Edit (Pen icon).

The Environment Wide Settings Option would then be defined in an application configuration file so its template value would be transformed to the default value. In this case TEMPLATE_AB_SCRENG_MAX_IDLE_SIZE would be replaced with 512000.

Section of Endur_Template_GUI config file Pre Deployment

Section of Endur_Template_GUI config file Post Deployment


Using Environment Wide Settings Option to parameterize application configuration per Environment

Once an EWSO has been defined you now have the ability to parameterize the application Template value at an Environment level using the Environment Wide Settings (EWS). This allows you to override the EWSO default value with a value more specific to the environment and application its being deployed and configured for.


Using the previous example for TEMPLATE_AB_SCRENG_MAX_IDLE_SIZE we will now override the application parameter at Environment level to make the template value more specific to that Environment.

Using environment SANDBOX01 we will override the template value to 102400.

We open the Environment Details screen and expand Environment Wide Settings

Selected Add Environment Wide Setting to open the entry form

Selected the EWSO TEMPLATE_AB_SCRENG_MAX_IDLE_SIZE from the drop-down list

Then entered the replacement Value of 102400 to the substituted in

The value of 102400 will now be used during the deployment process of SANDBOX01 as the replacement value instead of the template default 512000. 

Section of Endur_Template_GUI config file Post Deployment of SANDBOX01



Environment Wide Settings Functional overview

The following illustration demonstrates how the EWSO master template can be overwritten per Environment. If the EWSO template setting is not redefined at Environment level under the EWS the EWSO default will be used by the Rebuild Engine.


How to Add Config Items

As part of the deployment process, we have set out to make the addition of new parameters needed in the application’s config files to be set up in emdash configuration.  This is done by way of Environment Wide Settings (EWS) and Environment Wide Settings Options (EWSO).

To add a new item to be transformed during deployment:

  1. Set up a new Env Wide Setting Option in emdash Reference Data Manager with a default setting. (EM Team)
  2. Update the config files, database scripts, etc. to include the parameter to be replaced at deployment time (‘TEMPLATE_xxxx’). (Developer)
  3. If you want to override the default setting for an environment, add an Environment Wide Setting to that specific environment. (EM team, Developer, or Environment Owner)


Env Wide Settings Options (EWSO)

The EM team need to set up a new EWSO for any new template replacement data parameter. To set up the new template data open the Env Wide Setting Option screen and select the Add Env Wide Settings Option button to create a new row entry. Enter the Setting details and described below.

Name:  Define the name for the Setting. This will be used in the drop down list in emdash for adding new Environment Wide Settings to an environment from the Environment details screen

Template Value.  This is the text that will be searched for when transforming the config files as part of the code upgrade process above.  It usually takes the form TEMPLATE_xxx’.  This is the text that you should put into your config files, database scripts, etc for the deployment process.

Default Value.  This is the value that will be substituted in through the transformation process (unless it is overridden by a specific Env Wide Setting)

Setting Type.  The type of data that is being held for this setting.  Normally it is ‘string’ but passwords and other sensitive data items should be set to ‘Secure’

EWS templates have a setting type to provide user entry validation and sensitive information encryption.

Setting Type Definition
Boolean Setting is a boolean value (True or False)
Number Setting is a numeric value
Secure Setting is alphanumeric and will be stored in the database as an encrypted value and only visible in its unencrypted form to emdash administrators. This would be used to encrypt sensitive information like passwords, usernames, ports, configuration settings, key words, etc.
String Setting is aplhanumeric value 



Env Wide Settings (EWS)

As above, now we have the Env Wide Setting Option set up with a default value to substitute in. Sometimes we want to make this specific to an environment, and this can be done by an Environment Wide Setting. 

Open the Environment Details screen and expand Environment Wide Settings

Select Add Environment Wide Setting to open the entry form 

Select the require Setting to be overwritten from the EWSO dropdown list

Enter the replacement Value to the substituted in  

So, for the example in the screenprints, the string TEMPLATE_APP_ABC_SERVICE_ACCOUNT will be replaced with EWO value SVC-SANDBOX02-DEVELOPMENT in the config files, database scripts, etc where it has been defined.

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