
Citrix Shortcut

The only thing remaining for the operation of the Endur environment is the creation of the Citrix Shortcut for the environment. To do this, set up a new Application in AppCentre with the following:

  • Application Name: Endur <EnvName>
  • Type: Installed application
  • Location: \\<NameOfAnyCitrixServerThatIsListedInEmdash>\c$\Openlink\RDS_Shortcuts\<EnvName>.cmd
  • Servers: Any that are listed in emdash
  • Users: The Group allocated to the environment earlier 
  • Client Folder: Endur Test Environments (if it is a test environment)
  • You can also change the icon. To change it, browse to the Endur master.exe file in the bin directory

The Citrix Icon will then be available to anyone that is allocated to the environment now.

Log in to Citrix, Refresh Apps and try to log into Endur as the Administrator user (assuming that it was mapped earlier).

You’re done! Now it may be time to do another Env Refresh to run a final test…

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