Before we can start the Endur services, we need to fix an Openlink Defect with the command-line installation process. So far, we have the services installed and configured, but the password allocated to the ‘appserverXX’ user is not in the correct state of application-specific ‘encryption’. In the same way as a User has to ‘login without encryption’ the first time they log in, the services are the same.
To do this, it is a simple process but it is magnified by the number of runsites allocated to an environment.
On each server:
- Open a Command Prompt as administrator (Right Click on Command Prompt in the Start Menu, select ‘Run as Administrator’
- Type ‘%ENDUR_DRIVE_LETTER%’ and hit return
- Change directory to the ‘bin’ folder relevant to the server you are on (x64 or x86)
- Run olfwizard.exe
- Follow the prompts to Edit one of the services (e.g. OpenLink_Endur1)
- Click Next on all prompts and Save
- This then encrypts the password and allows the runsite to log into the database successfully.
- Repeat for all Endur Services on the server.
Note: Troubleshooting – look at the OLF_System.log file in the ‘bin’ folder for more info on what may be happening.