
Start Endur Services

Before we can start the Endur services, we need to fix an Openlink Defect with the command-line installation process. So far, we have the services installed and configured, but the password allocated to the ‘appserverXX’ user is not in the correct state of application-specific ‘encryption’. In the same way as a User has to ‘login without encryption’ the first time they log in, the services are the same.

To do this, it is a simple process but it is magnified by the number of runsites allocated to an environment.

On each server:

  1. Open a Command Prompt as administrator (Right Click on Command Prompt in the Start Menu, select ‘Run as Administrator’
  2. Type ‘%ENDUR_DRIVE_LETTER%’ and hit return
  3. Change directory to the ‘bin’ folder relevant to the server you are on (x64 or x86)
  4. Run olfwizard.exe
  5. Follow the prompts to Edit one of the services (e.g. OpenLink_Endur1)
  6. Click Next on all prompts and Save
  7. This then encrypts the password and allows the runsite to log into the database successfully.
  8. Repeat for all Endur Services on the server.

Note: Troubleshooting – look at the OLF_System.log file in the ‘bin’ folder for more info on what may be happening.

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