The first Administrator task is to create a new Environment definition if one does not already exist. To do this, you need to think about how you would like the environment to be laid out – what applications are to be allocated to it, what databases, servers and services those applications need, what users will be assigned to the environment, any specific environment wide settings.
Once you have a view of what this design should look like, you need to configure the reference data in emdash.
NOTE: For Endur/Findur environments we recommend you use the 'Endur/Findur Environment Wizard' function. See here for more details.
The following section is a useful guide of how to create one manually.
The Create Environment button at the top of the home screen will take you to a page to create the basic details for an Environment.
- Name - The name the environment will be referred as
- Owner - Who the environment is allocated to
- Description - A brief description of the purpose of the environment, and what it is being used for
- Notes - Anything specific the Owner would like displayed on the Home screen against the environment
- Allocation Start Date - When was the environment allocated to the Owner for their use?
- Allocation End Date - When is it allocated to? This field is used for reporting to remind Owners that their use is coming to an end – which is important to make sure that allocations are current and accurate
- emdash reports email recipients - A semi-colon separated list of email addresses that is used for reporting and notifying users when the allocation of the environment is coming to an end
- Environment Type - A drop down list of values used to group the environments on the home screen
- Hide from Env Refresh List - Checking this checkbox means that the environment does not appear in the lists of environments to refresh of perform a code upgrade against. This is a safe-guard against accidental actions against important environments such as Production. Note we have configured a database process to make sure that this is ticked in all environments of type ‘Production’ every 30 minutes – just in case an Administrator forgets to re-check it after a valid activity.
Once the Environment framework is in place, we can now create the reference data which will eventually be allocated to it. The details required for this vary from application to application and each one requires some specific data.