
RightAngle Environment Overview

This section describes the how to set up emdash™ and RightAngle so that emdash™ can manage multiple RightAngle environments.

The following diagram shows the components that make up an RightAngle environment.


  1. This is the location that Openlink deliver the code binaries and databases from.
  2. RightAngle Thin Client Server. This is a shared Thin Client environment that users access the Endur/Findur GUI from.  Supported architecture is Citrix XenApp or Microsoft RDS.
  3. Fileshare: Code Repository. This is a storage location for the application binaries and packages.
  4. emdash™ Server. Where emdash™ is running.
  5. RightAngle Application Servers. Servers where the RightAngle application components will run.
  6. RightAngle Database Server. Database instance where the RightAngle database and RightAngle Workflow Tracking will be stored.

NOTE:  The Windows Servers for ‘Application Server’ and ‘Thin Client Server’ can be built from the same server image. 

We shall go through the process for installing the application on one of these servers to then be imaged in the next section. 

However, the process of imaging the server and building new instances from that image are not covered here.  Specific processes for this will be dependent on the server technology used and any virtualization layer.

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