
emdash™ and RightScale

emdash can be used to manage environments on the RightScale cloud platform.  Some set up tasks must be performed within emdash prior to creating a new environment using RightScale.

The following system wide settings must be created using the emdash reference data manager Create System Wide Setting page.


Setting SettingType Description


The cloud/region to launch in. This is a RightScale specific identifier e.g. AzureRM East US
rightscaleVmSize String

Azure instance size. Current valid sizes:

  • "Standard_DS1"
  • "Standard_DS1_v2"
  • "Standard_DS2"
  • "Standard_DS2_v2"
  • "Standard_DS3"
  • "Standard_DS3_v2"
rightscaleResourceGroup String The Azure resource group that will contain the servers. This needs to be one that has already been created in RightScale e.g. Endur_Findur-DEV01
rightscaleAdDomainOUPath String AD path to add the server to e.g. OU=new_vms,DC=devtest,DC=com
rightscaleAccountId String The RightScale account ID e.g. 101001
rightscaleOauthRefreshToken Secure Refresh token for user that has actor role 
rightscaleOauthUrl String Shard the account is on e.g.
rightscaleSshost String Self Service shard for the account e.g.
rightscaleCloudAppName String RightScale cloud app name e.g. Endur/Findur Application Server
rightScalePlatformScriptFolder String For the RightScale platform this setting defines the folder where platform scripts should be placed e.g. CreateServer.ps1. These will override the ones included by default in emdash.

The following SQL insert statements can be used to quickly set these values up in the emdash database by a user with insert permissions.  Download the script by choosing to Save Link As...

RightScale system wide settings

The system wide setting "rightScalePlatformScriptFolder" if set and pointing to an accessible folder will be checked for the following script names for the relevant platform function:
  • GetServerStatus.ps1
  • StopServer.ps1
  • StartServer.ps1
  • CreateServer.ps1
If the script exists it will be executed instead of the default embedded version in emdash.  Override scripts must accept exactly the same parameters as the embedded emdash versions and return values in the same format.



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