Here is a list of all of the base Environment Wide Settings Options that are in an emdash release.
These can be added to by customers as the configuration of their emdash instance progresses.
setting |
Description |
EndurLicenceFile |
Endur licence file location |
Endur/Findur screng max idel size |
AutoRefreshEmailContent |
Email content used for automatic environment refresh |
ClearLogsOnRefresh |
Determines whether to clear Endur/Findur logs on environment refresh |
CustomSQLFileAfterEndurRefresh |
Custom SQL file to be run after Endur/Findur environment refresh |
EmailListOnEnvRefresh |
Addresses to be emailed after environment refresh |
EnvSpreadPort |
Spread service port |
ESSTestElexonFTPPwd |
ESS Test Elexon FTP Password |
ESSTestElexonFTPUrl |
ESS Test Elexon FTP Url |
ESSTestElexonFTPUser |
ESS Test Elexon FTP User |
ESSTestIFSWebSvc |
ESS Test IFS Web Service |
OverrideCubeBackupPath |
Override Cube Backup Path |
OverrideEndurBackupPath |
Override Endur Backup Path |
OverrideENOMBackupPath |
Override ENOM Backup Path |
OverrideRightAngleBackupPath |
Override RightAngle Backup Path |
OverrideSpreadIPRange |
Override Spread IP Range |
SetEndurJobsToManual |
Whether to set Endur/Findur Jobs To Manual on refresh |
ShowOlisten |
Show Olisten |
TruncateEndurHistoryOnRefresh |
Whether to truncate Endur/Findur history on refresh |
UseDatabaseLicense |
Use Endur/Findur database license |
UseEnvInEndurPath |
Use environment name in the OLF BIN path for Endur/Findur |
WriteOlistenFiles |
Write Olisten Files |
CustomSQLFileAfterCubeRefresh |
Fully qualified file name of SQL that will be run after a Cube environment refresh |
NotifyEnvironmentOwnerEndDateDays |
Days before environment lease expiry to notify environment owner |
EndurCmmJvsImportUserName |
Endur/Findur user name used for importing CMM and JVS files |
EndurCmmJvsImportPassword |
Endur/Findur password used for importing CMM and JVS files |
OlfCmdUrl |
Url to the Openlink Ops toolkit server |
OpenlinkOpsQualityServiceName |
Name of the Openlink Ops toolkit windows service |
EnvRefreshEmailSubject |
Subject for the automated environment refresh completed email. |
OpenlinkEndurFindurDatabaseFileLocation |
Oracle specific Endur/Findur location for schema Oracle tablespace data files. |