Here is a list of all of the System Wide Settings that are set up in an emdash build:
Setting |
Description |
AddADGroupsAsReadOnlyUser |
Setting this to TRUE will create a read only user against the Endur or Findur database so that users of that environment can run SQL in SQL Management Studio. Optional setting. |
AdDomain |
Fully qualified domain name fo the Active Directory in your implementation, e.g. or domainName.local |
AdOuRoot |
Root OU in Active Directory that emdash will use, e.g. OU=emdash,DC=domainName,DC=com |
URL to the webservice that's called by the stored procedure 'AddApplicationAllocation'. This will usually be http://emdashServerName/emdashwebapi/api/ApplicationAllocation/UpdateApplicationAllocation |
AzureAdminAccountPassword |
Password assocaited with the 'AzureAccount' System Wide Setting |
AzureAdminAccountUsername |
Account used to create VMs in Azure. This is a Microsoft account with sufficient access rights to create new VMs. NOTE: We do not support the 'Classic' VMs in Azure as that will be deprecated. The Resource Manager VMs are created through the emdash processes. |
AzureDomainAdminPassword |
Password for the domain admin account used when setting up the VM |
AzureDomainAdminUsername |
Name of an AD account that has elevated permissions to add the new Azure VM to the domain as part of the VM Creation proces |
AzureDomainFQDN |
Fully qualified domain name fo the Active Directory in your implementation, e.g. or domainName.local |
AzureDomainName |
Name of the AD Domain (not fully qualified) |
AzureLocalAdminPassword |
Password for the local admin account used when setting up the VM |
AzureLocalAdminUsername |
Name of the local administrator account that will be assigned to the Azure VM when it is created |
AzureNetworkName |
The Virtual network on Azure where emdash will create new Azure VMs (e.g. AzureNet). This will be set up as part of the Azure configuration so please check what it should be with the Azure system admin |
AzureResourceGroupName |
Azure resource group for virtual machines. |
AzureRmVmSize |
The virtual machine size to use when creating new Azure virtual machines e.g. A2 |
AzureSourceImageUri |
Fully qualified path to the VM image that new Azure VMs will be built from. This information can be found in the Azure Portal under Storage Accounts -> (Select the relevant storage group) -> Blobs -> System -> Microsoft.Compute -> Images -> ContainerName -> (Select the relevant Page Blob file) -> Copy the URL in the 'Blop Properties' screen |
AzureStorageAccountName |
The Azure Storage Account that is being used to host the images which will be use to create new Azure VMs. You can specify this information when you create an Azure VM Template |
AzureSubnetName |
The subnet on Azure where emdash will create new Azure VMs (e.g. APPS). This will be set up as part of the Azure configuration so please check what it should be with the Azure system admin |
AzureSubscriptionId |
Azure subscription ID needed to create new VMs in the Azure platform. You can find this information by running 'Login-AzureRMAccount' in Azure Powershell on an Azure Server |
baseApiUrl |
The IIS application name for the emDash Web API |
CancelStartedSyntheticJobInactivityCutOff |
Jobs with a status of started that were created more than this number of hours ago may be cancelled in the job list page. |
concurrentUserEmailRecipients |
Semi-colon separated list of email addresses that will receive the output othe ConcurrentUserCheck console application process. |
CoreCodeRepositoryRoot |
UNC Path to the root folder of the Repository where application code is stored. Note this is a legacy setting and has been replaced by the 'Source' column on the Application table in emdash |
CubeCoreCodeRepositoryRoot |
UNC Path to the root folder of the Repository where application code for the Cube application is stored. Note this is a legacy setting and has been replaced by the 'Source' column on the Application table in emdash |
DatabaseNamePrefix |
Prefix used to name the Endur/Findur database. This will be created in the form ThisPrefixEnvironmentName. For example, setting this prefix to 'FIN_' would create a database called FIN_EnvironmentName |
If ENABLE_DEFAULT_ENV_REFRESH_SOURCE is set to 'True' set this as the name of the Environment that will displayed to non-Admin emdash users for Environment Refresh |
DefaultApplicationDrive |
The default application drive letter for application servers. |
DefaultEndurCmmDeploymentApplication |
tbd |
DefaultEndurCmmPackageFolder |
tbd |
DefaultEndurJvsDatabaseApplication |
tbd |
DevCubeServiceAccount |
Service account name used by the Cube Application for accessing the database servers. |
Organisation Unit in Active Directory where security groups for the Production environments will be created. Example: OU=SecurityGroups,OU=NON-PROD,OU=emdash,DC=domainName,DC=com |
Organisation Unit in Active Directory where Users for the Production environments will be created. Example: OU=USERS,OU=NON-PROD,OU=emdash,DC=domainName,DC=com |
DMSTemplateSource |
Configurastion of Openlink's DMS application to confirm whether the repository is held on the filesystem or database. Options for this setting are 'filesystem' or 'database'. |
DomainName |
Fully qualified domain name fo the Active Directory in your implementation, e.g. or domainName.local |
The text in this setting is appended in the backup files that are created using emdash's 'Backup Databases' function. The default is 'autobackup'. |
Enter text here to add it to a banner in the top of the emdash screen. This is useful if you have multiple instances of emdash that you use to manage your environments |
Background colours of the emdash GUI. The default is 'Black' but other options include 'Blue' and 'Green' |
Show the emdash logo in the top left corner of the GUI. The default is true. Setting to False allows the clients to allocate their own logo as a replacement |
URL to a SSRS instance where emdash reports are installed. This is not enabled in the default emdash implementation. |
This setting, in conjunction with DEFAULT_ENV_REFRESH_SOURCE limits the environment that can be used as a Source to non-Admin emdash users. If you want to limit the options, set this to 'True', otherwise leave as False |
EndurCmmJvsImportWrapperExePath |
The full path to the Endur.Wrapper.exe executable on the emDash server. |
EndurDoitsDriveLetter |
Drive letter to use for running the doits. |
EndurFindurShortcutPath |
The folder in which remote access shortcuts will be created on the remote access servers. |
EndurSharedDbUser |
Database user for Endur/Findur when AD authentication is enabled. |
EndurSharedDbUserPassword |
Database user password for Endur/Findur when AD authentication is enabled. |
endurUpgradePwd |
Password for the user set up in the System Wide Setting 'endurUpgradeUser' - for Oracle this should be set to the same as the Env Wide Setting Option 'emDashOraclePassword' value |
endurUpgradeUser |
Username for the database user that will be used to runEndur/Findurdatabase upgrades (e.g. Doits). - for Oracle this should be set to the same as the Env Wide Setting Option 'emDashOracleUserId' value |
EnvMgtEmail |
Email account for the Environment Management team. This account will be sent notifications of all environment refreshes if the 'SMTP Server' System Wide Setting is set |
envMgtTeamGroupName |
Name of the AD Group that is used by the environment management team. This is used for adding the group to all environments' AD groups through the Env Refresh process |
EnvMgtTeamName |
Name of the Environment Management Team, used when emailing out the notifications of environment refreshes etc. |
Controls the frequency with which the workflow engine polls for new workflow jobs. |
ForceMachineContext |
tbd |
HelpUrlAdminGuide |
A URL to the emdash Admin Guide which is used in the Help links. |
HelpUrlSupport |
A Url to the emdash Submit a Request page which is used in the Help links |
HelpUrlUserGuide |
A URL to the emdash User Guide which is used in the Help links. |
HelpUrlWiki |
A URL to the emdash Support Wiki used in the help links |
HouseKeepingDaysToKeep |
Number of days of data that is kept when the Housekeeping console application process runs |
InstallEndurServiceAppServerPassword |
Password for the Endur account that will be set up and used for running Endur/Findur Windows Services (I.e. The application user's password for the Endur/IFndur account) |
InstallEndurServiceServiceAccountPassword |
Password for the service accounts that will be set up and used for running Endur/Findur Windows Services |
How frequently the job log page refreshes in seconds. |
The number of days of history that are displayed in the job log page. |
Controls how many workflow jobs per environment can execute in parallel. Currently defaulted to 1 to prevent worklfow collisions. |
NoAppServersSpreadServer |
This defines the server where spread should run for Endur/Findur environments that do not have any application servers. This is a legacy setting - environments should now be configured to confirm where the Service 'Spread' is running for an environment through a ServiceAllocation in emdash |
A semi-colon separated list of email addresses that will receive a warning email of environments that are coming to the end of their allocation. The relies on the Stored Procedure 'spEnvironmentOwnerEndDateDays' running daily. This can be set up as a SQL Agent Job |
OlfBinRootPath |
This setting can overwrite the default path that emdash uses when copying binaries onto servers. The default is 'Openlink\Program' |
openlinkEndurFindurDumpDirectory |
The Oracle data pump directory written to by the emdash backup and restore database processes. The default setting is EMDASHDMPDIR |
OracleExportDegreeOfParallelism |
The Oracle data pump degree of parallelism used the emdash backup and restore database processes. The default setting is 1 |
ProdCubeServiceAccount |
Service Account to be used for Cube in the Poduction environment. |
Organisation Unit in Active Directory where security groups for the Production environments will be created. Example: OU=SecurityGroups,OU=PROD,OU=emdash,DC=domainName,DC=com |
ProductionBackupFolder |
A UNC path to override where the backups would be stored for the Production environment for emdash-initiated backups. Note this is a legacy setting and should be replaced by an Environment Wide Setting called OverrideApplicationNameBackupPath |
ProductionCubeBackupFolder |
A UNC path to override where the backups would be stored for the Production environment for emdash-initiated backups for the Cube application. Note this is a legacy setting and should be replaced by an Environment Wide Setting called OverrideApplicationNameBackupPath |
ProductionCubeStagingBackupFolder |
A UNC path to override where the backups would be stored for the Production environment for emdash-initiated backups for the Cube application. Note this is a legacy setting and should be replaced by an Environment Wide Setting called OverrideApplicationNameBackupPath |
Organisation Unit in Active Directory where Users for the Production environments will be created. Example: OU=USERS,OU=PROD,OU=emdash,DC=domainName,DC=com |
The full path to the PSExec executable on the emDash server. |
ServerNamePrefix |
Prefix used to name the application servers for Endur/Findur. These will be created in the form ThisPrefixEnvironmentNameAP01. For example, setting this prefix to 'CWJ-' would create servers called CWJ-EnvNameAP01 and CWJ-EnvNameAP02 in the Create Environment Wizard process |
SMTPServer |
SMTP Server used for sending emdash notification emails |
SSISFolderPrefix |
Prefix of the SSIS Folder used by the Cube application refresh and code upgrade process. |
SSISFolderSubFolder |
This setting is used if there is a sub folder required in the SSIS implementation tree. |
SystemWideUserADGroup |
An overarching AD Group that all emdash Users would be placed in. This would control access to site wide resources such as Citrix or RemoteApp. The default setting is EndurProjectAllUsers |
The number of days of history that are displayed in the technical log page. |
Use64BitGUI |
Whether to use the 64 bit GUI. |
SQLServerBackupUseCompression |
Whether to use compression when backing up SQL Server databases. The default value is true. |