/* This script has been tested on SQL Server 2016 */ use [emdash] declare @AppName varchar(25) declare @Today as date declare @SQLServerInstance varchar(30) declare @SQLVersion varchar(20) declare @EnvOwner varchar(30) /* e.g. gets todays date*/ set @Today = getdate() /* Name of the custom Application to be defined. For Example: PI for PriceImporter */ set @AppName='Enter YOUR Custom Application Name' /* For Example : "ACME-SQL2016-01" for default SQL Server instance or "ACME-SQL2016-01\ENDUR" for the ENDUR SQL Server Instance */ set @SQLServerInstance = 'Enter YOUR SQL Server Instance' /* For Example : SQL 2008R2 or SQL 2012 or SQL 2016 or Oracle 11g or Oracle 12c */ set @SQLVersion = 'Enter YOUR SQL Server Version' /* For Example: "Sajjad Ahmed" - User should be in list of users in emdash*/ set @EnvOwner = 'Enter YOUR Environment Owner' /********************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Creates APPLICATION TYPE record for the new TEST environment */ insert into applicationtype values (@AppName) /* Creates APPLICATION record for the new TEST environment */ insert into Application values (@AppName,@AppName+' Description',@AppName+' Application Type',null,'NA','NA','NA') /* Creates DATABASE TYPE record for the new TEST environment */ insert into DatabaseType values (@AppName) /* Creates CodeVersion record for the new TEST environment */ insert into CodeVersion values (@AppName+'-Initial',@Today,null,(Select applicationId from Application where name = @AppName),@AppName) /* Creates DATABASE record for the new TEST environment */ insert into [database] values (@AppName+'_TEST',@SqlServerInstance,@AppName,'SQL Server',@SQLVersion,null) /* Creates Enviroment record for the new TEST environment */ insert into [environment] values (@AppName+'_TEST',@EnvOwner,'NA',@AppName+'_TEST',@AppName+'_TEST',null,'AD',0,'OTHER',null,null,null,4,1,0x) /* Creates Env Wide Settings for the new Custom Application */ insert into [EnvWideSettingsOptions] values ('CustomSQLFileAfter'+@AppName+'Refresh','TEMPLATE_CUSTOM_SQL_AFTER_'+@AppName+'_REFRESH','NA',DEFAULT,'Custom SQL File After '+@AppName+' Refresh',null,null,'String') insert into [EnvWideSettingsOptions] values ('Override'+@AppName+'BackupPath','TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE_'+@AppName+'_BACKUP_PATH','NA',DEFAULT,'Override '+@AppName+' Backup Path',null,null,'String') /* Creates ENVIRONMENT TYPE "Other" - If this exist then this line will give a duplicate error which can be ignored*/ insert into environmentType values ('OTHER','OTHER',99,null) /* Update platformid to 4 i.e. as "Other" for custom environments created */ update [environment] set platformid = 4 where [Name] like @AppName+'%'